Voting While Trans in rhode island
In Rhode Island, you must present a photo ID to vote in person. Gender identity and expression should never prevent any voter from casting a ballot. But trans and nonbinary voters who present an ID that doesn’t reflect their gender, appearance, or name may encounter difficulties at the polls.
Here is what you can expect when voting in person and what you should know about presenting a photo ID whether you have or have not updated your ID documents.

What to Know About Photo IDs for Trans Voters
In partnership with the Rhode Island Secretary of State, this video outlines three common scenarios trans and nonbinary voters navigate regarding photo IDs.
The Rhode Island Department of State will issue a Free voter ID to you with a photo that reflects your current appearance and does not show a gender marker. Your voter ID will show your current legal name. An ID that better reflects your appearance should reduce the chance of your identity being questioned when voting in person.
To apply for a RI voter ID, call the RI Department of State’s Election Division at (401) 222-2340 or email elections@sos.ri.gov to make an appointment. You will need to appear in person at the Rhode Island Department of State Elections Division, located at:
Rhode Island Department of State - Elections Division
148 West River Street
Providence, Rhode Island 02904Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday (closed on state holidays)
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Call to confirm: 401-222-2340
You will need to bring a proof of identity document with you to obtain your voter ID. Examples of acceptable identity documents include:
RI driver’s license/permit
U.S. passport
Employee ID card
Credit or debit card
Military ID card
Student ID card
Insurance plan ID card
Utility bill, bank statement, document issued by a government agency, vehicle registration, or ID document issued by a homeless shelter, that is dated since the last election
Ask when making your appointment for more information on how to prepare to apply for a voter ID or see “What if I don’t have a valid photo ID?” in the FAQ section on this Rhode Island Department of State webpage.