●       You can change your[1]  name[2]  and[3]  gender marker with Social Security at the same time

●       Social Security will accept any one of the following forms of evidence for a gender marker change:

○        U.S. passport showing the correct gender

○        Birth certificate showing the correct gender

○        Court order recognizing the correct gender

○        Signed letter from a physician confirming you have had appropriate clinical treatment for gender transition (recommended; see template below)

●       You will also need to present the following documents:

○        Proof of citizenship: if you have not already established your U.S. citizenship with the Social Security Administration, you will have to provide proof of citizenship, such as a U.S. birth certificate or U.S. passport.

○        Proof of identity: a document showing your name, identifying information, and a recent photograph, such as a driver’s license, state-issued ID card, or U.S. passport.

○        Proof of name change: court order showing your name change

●       As of May 2012 it is no longer necessary to change your gender with social security before changing it on your RI driver’s license. You also do not have to do this to change it on your US passport.[MOU4] 

●       Follow this link to info about changing your gender[5]  marker with Social Security

●       To find the location of the nearest Social Security Administration office click here:




Medical Provider letter template:

 I, Physician’s Full Name, Physician’s medical license or certificate number, Issuing U.S. State/Foreign Country of medical license/certificate, am the physician of Name of Patient, Date of Birth, with whom I have a doctor/patient relationship and whom I have treated (or with whom I have a doctor/patient relationship and whose medical history I have reviewed and evaluated).

Name of Patient has had appropriate clinical treatment for gender transition to the new gender (specify new gender male or female[MOU6] ). I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct.


Signature of Physician[MOU7] 

Typed Name


This form needs to be filled out to change one's name https://www.ssa.gov/forms/ss-5.pdf

SSA is temporarily allowing people to mail an original or certified secondary identity document. They include U.S. diplomatic passport

Military identification card

Certificate of Naturalization

Certificate of Citizenship

U.S. Indian Tribal ID card

Final adoption decree

Certified copy of medical record

Health Insurance or U.S. Medicaid card with biographical information such as DOB, age, etc.

School identity card or certified copy of school record with biographical information such as DOB, age, etc.

Life insurance policy with biographical information

Marriage document

no in person appointments right now. you can also drop off the documents thursday 9-12 at the providence drop box. call your local office to see if they have a drop box

 [MOU4]May want to clarify that this is for a gender marker change only. To change a name on a RI driver’s license, social security does have to come first.

this is no longer a usable link. this might be the right link https://faq.ssa.gov/en-US/Topic/article/KA-01981

 [MOU6]Flag that feds can only do F/M at this time and how this differs from RI?

 [MOU7]May want to emphasize that this letter must come from a medical doctor, not a PA or NP or other provider.


Obtain legal name change


Update social security record


Update license or state ID


Update financial, insurance, school & employment records


Update birth certificate (if you want or need to)


Update passport (if you have one)